Kabutoya Ryokan


By car

The Chuo Superhighway Takaido IC - Hachioji IC - National Route 411 - The Itsukaichi Road -
The Hinohara road (toward Tokyo Community Forest and Okutama Circular Way) - The inn (Kabutoya) About 1 hour and 10 minutes from Hachioji IC

By train

Narita Express (N'EX) Line JR Narita Airport Station - JR Shinjuku Station (for 80 minutes) -
The Chuo Line JR Tachikawa Station (for 35 minutes) - Ome Line JR Haijima Station (for 11 minutes) -
Musashi-Itukaichi Line JR Musashi-Itsukaichi Station (for 17 minutes) -
Western Tokyo Bus for Kazuma (1 hour and 10 minutes) -
Getting off at the terminal (10 minutes' walk) - The inn (Kabutoya)

Transit method    

There is a bus rotary in front of the station.
Please get on from No.1 stop.

To KAZUMA or To Tomin-no-mori.
(70 min. on the Nishi Tokyo bus from Musashi Itsukaichi station, then 10 min. on foot.)
Please confirm with the timetable.
Coffee shop:URA-YAMA BASE

Bus Timetable    

Train Timetable (Weekday)    

Train Timetable (Holiday)